Raralyn Flare

Rara, Raffee, Flare, Roxy, Coffee
Aromantic Lesbian
She/Her (Female)
18 years Old
Single (not wanting relationship)
Born December 20, 2005
Height 5ft (153cm)
Introvert irl
Digital Artist since 2019
Likes black, gold, red and dark colors
Likes Electro Swing, Jazz, Darkwave, Scene, Rock and Metal
Likes Goth, Emo, and Vintage Fashion
Hates pink and kpop songs
From Philippines
Late Adolescence
Has Depression and Anxiety
Mentally Unstable
Fuck everything about me...
Main Fursona Species:
Coyote, Fallen Angel and Demon Hybrid

Hi! I'm Raralyn Flare! I'm 18 Years Old Emo Goth Furry, digital artist. I was a Youtuber Animator before but I can't handle my youtube channel it's because of my school, I give more attention on school, so, I dropped my youtube channel, I unlisted all my videos and letting people to unsubscribe me because I think I'm not going back being a youtuber animator because it gives me more stress and I'm already burnt out. I've got 2.20k subscribers before but now a lot of people unsubscribed me because of not uploading videos and it's because of the post about me but it's already taken down, it really gives me more stress and lack of sleep because of overthinking about it, I feel like, I'm fucked down now.